Patch Tuesday patches are up
There’s a massive list of updates to Vista, Win7 and 8.1 on the Windows Update page.
I don’t see any mention of Security Bulletins, but the Security Update Guide database list has been updated.
Win10 RTM (1507), 1511 (Fall Update), 1607 (Anniversary Update) and 1703 (Creators Update) have all been patched.
The documentation for Win10 Anniversary Update is weird, with two build numbers, and the difference between the builds hasn’t been explained as yet: April 11, 2017—KB4015217 (OS Build 14393.1066 and 14393.1083) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4015217/windows-10-update-kb4015217. Update: Looks like 14393.1083 is for HoloLens.
The Creators Update is now up to its fifth release: 15063.0 was the first released version on March 30. Then we saw 15063.11 on March 31, 15063.13 on April 3, and 15063.14 on April 5.
The latest Creators Update took a big jump in build numbers, to 15063.138. Look for April 11, 2017—KB4015583 (OS Build 15063.138) at https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4015583/windows-10-update-kb4015583
If you haven’t figured out why you don’t want Creators Update just yet, look at this list from Microsoft: What’s new in the Windows 10 Creators Update
There’s a list of Office security patches here.
UPDATE: Great overview by Martin Brinkman at ghacks.net.
Still haven’t seen a wushowhide screenshot for “Feature update to Windows 10, version 1703”