Does KB 3150513 trigger “Cannot start Microsoft Outlook”?
You may recall KB 3150513, the “upgrade enabling” patch that nobody seems to want. It was last re-released on April 23.
I just got an interesting message from reader TB:
Writing a quick thank you note for your article titled “Mystery update KB 3150513 makes yet another reappearance”.
It started yesterday afternoon when I couldn’t open Outlook 2016. After looking around a bit today on both my computer and the web, I noticed a new update that downloaded yesterday morning. Googling for help about the error that was showing on my system, “Cannot start microsoft outlook. Cannot open the outlook window. The set of folders cannot be opened”, found no relief. But then, I came upon your aforementioned article, put two and two together, saw that I didn’t want this update on my computer and quickly uninstalled the update and voila! Outlook works. YaY!
So, I’m writing this for two reasons: 1st to say thank you for your article and blog that, unbeknownst to you until now, pointed me in the right direction to be able to once again use outlook and 2nd – in case you see others having this same issue, perhaps this bit of information from my experience will help them too before experiencing too much frustration.
Thanks again for doing what you do and the information you share!
Anybody else having that problem?