• Your advice for the AskWoody Lounge, please

    My web folks are limping along with a bbPress appendage to the AskWoody site. I have a million questions and would like to enlist your help, if you have time.

    General layout looks like this:

    AskWoody blog posts continue just the way they are.

    Instead of having each blog post link to a comments section for that blogs post (we’re up to almost 500 comments on some blog posts!), I want to link directly into the Lounge.

    The Lounge consists of Fora (OK, Forums for many of you). Each Forum can have many Topics. Each Topic gets lots of posts or comments (the terms seem to be used interchangeably).

    You’ll be able to sign up for the Lounge, set a password, then type your username and password when you compose a comment. The way I envision things now, comments from registered users will be posted immediately. Anonymous comments are most welcome, but they’re subject to vetting, probably by me.

    Registered users (including me) have roles. Right now, it looks like we’ll have Admins, Moderators (who can approve and delete comments, and block ne’erdowells), and Participants (who can create Topics and submit comments unmoderated).

    Did you know that we’ve had 1.5 million spam posts on AskWoody so far? Fortunately, software handles almost all of them, but I still seem to deal with far too much.

    Lounge rules will be as you have come to expect: Behave with dignity, no profanity, no personal attacks, and you’ll be fine.

    So far so good?

    Now, the next HUUUUUUGE job is to come up with a list of initial Fora (and sub-Fora and sub-sub-you get the idea). Anybody have an idea of a starting point?

    Let me know what you think. This is going to be a long and painful process, but in the end I think it’ll work pretty well.