• Woody’s Win10Tip: Block forced updates in Windows 10

    “They” said it couldn’t be done, but it can.

    If you have Windows 10, there’s a straightforward set of steps you can take to turn off Automatic Updates. It isn’t easy, but it’s doable.

    As far as I know, this is the first time the procedure’s been documented in its entirety for Win10 1607 – the Anniversary Update.

    InfoWorld Woody on Windows, Woody’s Win10Tip

    UPDATE: From the comments (the AskWoody comments are always great)…

    There’s another GPedit setting that may work. Details from Michael Pietroforte at 4sysops. You can turn Automatic Update in the Anniversary Update to “Notify for download and notify for install.” That puts a toaster notification on your machine when an update is available – but you have to run over to Windows Update (Start > Settings > Update & security, click the box marked Check for Updates) before anything gets installed. Once you click Check for updates, the update is installed – you have no recourse.’

    The method I mention in the article (“Select when Quality Updates are received”) apparently blocks the updates, even if you click Check for updates.

    Much more experimentation – and real-world results from all of you! – would be most helpful.