• Best approach to speeding up Win7 check for updates

    A question from Q:

    I’ve reached the point where I don’t know what to do. I would like to get the KB3161608 DL & installed, however it does not have the check mark in front of it. The other references to different updates is making this more  confusing than ever, and reading about ppl who are running their computers for hours to ‘check updates” is something that I want to avoid at all costs.

    At this point, you have two choices.

    • You can follow my advice and install six unrelated patches in order to get the speed-up patch that Microsoft should be distributing without encumbrances. In order to install the speed-up patch, you have to check the box next to the Optional update KB 3161647, or download it and run it manually. See the InfoWorld article for details.
    • There’s a new trick on the wu.krelay.de site that involves installing KB3168965 and KB3164033. In this case, you can also install the patches through Windows Update (check the boxes next to both), or you can install them manually. Details are on the krelay.de site.

    The first approach, supposedly, will speed up Win7 updates permanently. The second approach, presumably, will only work for this month. The first approach gives you six patches you probably don’t want.

    Personally, I’ve taken the first option on most of my Win7 test machines. On the others, I haven’t done anything.

    Why? BECAUSE IT’S TOO EARLY TO INSTALL THE JULY PATCHES. We need to give them at least another week or two, to see what problems crop up. There is nothing in the July patches that needs to be installed right away.

    Just watch the MS-DEFCON rating, OK?