• So when’s MS-DEFCON going to change?

    Just got this from Quicksilver…

    Good morning, Woody.

    I’ve been holding off on the updates, waiting for an “all clear”. I don’t use the IE, however there were 2 critical patches this month, and I do keep it updated, although never use it.

    Is it safe to always update the IE, although it’s never used?  

    Guess I’m getting a little nervous with patch Tuesday being less than a week away.  

    Thank you for your guidance on the updating. I learned to not make a move without your “all clear” announcement because you keep us all out of trouble.

     Good question, and I’m sorry for the delay. Many of you know that there’s been a rash of reports about new (and old) “phone home” software for Win7 and Win 8.1. I’m trying to sort through the details before leading anybody down a golden patch path. Hang in there. I should have something up today or tomorrow – and in the meantime, if you don’t use IE, there are no immediate reasons to patch.