• MS-DEFCON 4: Apply all automatically offered patches…

    … but don’t install the optional ones.

    Microsoft has shed some light on the problems surrounding their truly messed up Automatic Update KB 2670838. And, to their credit, they’ve changed the patch from “Important” to “Optional”. That means if you install all of the currently offered patches, through Microsoft Update, you won’t get stuck with KB 2670838.

    The rest of the February patches seem to be stable, and there’s a big crop of new ones coming Tuesday. So now’s a good time to apply all the Microsoft Update patches that are offered automatically — and ignore the “Optional” ones that will cause you pain.

    I’m moving us down to MS-DEFCON 4: There are isolated problems with current patches, but they are well-known and documented here. Check this site to see if you’re affected and if things look OK, go ahead and patch.