• MS-DEFCON 3: Install all patches except one, KB 2840149

    I’ve been waiting, hoping that we’d get some sort of definitive word on whether the patch for the botched patch last month is working. So far, I’ve heard mixed results, with some people posting on this forum saying the new patch, KB  2840149, is causing problems. I DON’T recommend that you install the patch-of-a-patch KB 2840149.

    You shouldn’t be offered the earlier patch, KB 2823324, which proved so problematic. If you didn’t take my advice and installed that patch (in particular, if you had Automatic Update turned on around April 11), Microsoft sill recommends that you remove it. Use Control Panel’s Add or Remove Programs.

    There are also known problems with MS13-036/KB 2808735, but they’re obscure, and it’s highly unlikely you’ll hit them.

    So I’m straddling the middle, moving to MS-DEFCON 3. Patch reliability is unclear, but widespread attacks make patching prudent. Go ahead and patch, but watch out for potential problems. In particular, avoid installing KB 2840149.

    Let’s hope Microsoft has better luck with the May crop of Black Tuesday patches.

    P.S. If you have Windows 7, don’t install Internet Explorer 10 yet. Give it a while to sink in.

    P.P.S. From the comments:

    @Jack, @Ken –

    I should’ve been more explicit. Yes, please do install KB2670838. That KB article is now up to version 7.0. In theory, if the patch encounters a system that it’ll nuke, the installer will tell you that it didn’t install the patch. If that happens to you, take a look at the KB article and see if there’s a new video driver which doesn’t have compatibility problems. I haven’t heard of any problems with the patch for about a month.