Win7 Windows Update once again taking forever
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but ER just hit me with this:
Sad to say this Tuesday May 10, 1pm pacific time, doing a recent Windows Update scan on a Win7 SP1 system has resulted in a seemingly long or “forever” scan. So the KB3145739 security fix as well as the older KB3139852 fix no longer works as of 5/10/2016 (yup, I knew it – I saw it coming!)
There is a newer win32k.sys security update posted on May 10 – KB3153199 (MS16-062)
en-us/kb/3153199 While KB3153199 only updates the win32k.sys file (and does not supersede KB3145739 but DOES supersede KB3139852), I will manually download & install the KB3153199 security fix on my Win7 machines to resolve the very long WU scan problem.
Can anybody else replicate?
UPDATE: Reader LT confirms: “I was able to duplicate the KB3153199 fix for the long check for updates. “