Now (almost) everybody is advising you to stop using Internet Explorer
I’ve been saying it for years. I’ll say it again.
Upgrade Internet Explorer to the latest version. Keep it patched. But don’t use it. Use Firefox or Chrome or Opera or any other Web browser you fancy.
Sorry if I sound like a broken record. I’ve been advising on this blog since November, 2006, that you should dump IE and use Firefox.
Ed Bott has come down hard on IE 6. “Any IT professional who is still allowing IE6 to be used in a corporate setting is guilty of malpractice.” I wouldn’t go quite that far with IE 7 and IE 8, but with rare exceptions there’s absolutely no reason to continue using any version of IE. The German government and French government have both recommended abandoning IE, and I’m with them.
If your company absolutely insists on sticking with IE for compatibility reasons, they should be focusing most of their development resources on bringing their internal systems up to snuff. There are no good excuses left. Switch.